Orientation Overview

This is the foundation of your training!  It’s designed so you hit the ground running and get off to a great start. Things you’ll learn in Orientation include…

  • Welcome!  If you haven’t read the welcome page yet, that’s the first place to start your program. Included is your first initiual “pep talk” to get you off to  great start. I also have a special challenge waiting for you there. But don’t worry, everyone else is getting the same challenge, so you are all in the same boat. Soon, you will have a chance to “mingle” with other premium members who have embarked on a body and life transformational journey.
  • Be Successful – You Can Do It!  “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford. If you want to lose weight and are serious about it – you will! Everyone has had failed attempts at weight loss, but that doesn’t mean you will never lose weight. Rather, with the right tools and the right mindset
  • Healthy Weight Loss Blueprint  Follow the exact SAME process used successfully by my clients –  ALL the women you have seen in featured in my websites. Used correctly this blueprint is a game changer, especially if you’ve been struggling to lose weight.
  • Venetta P. Interview – How She Lost 55 lbs in 4 Months  Straight from one of my clients, learn how Venetta turned major disadvantages on their face – and lost a whopping 57 lbs while virtually eliminating her asthma. This is what this program is all about… Real people making real and significant improvements in their lives…. body composition, health and fitness and overall quality of life. It still blows my mind how these techniques have turned average people into real life local health and fitness superstars.
  • 5 Make or Brake Things You Need For Your Weight Loss Program   How One Simple THING you can eat daily that is DELICIOUS and significantly boosts your fat loss capability! Ignore this and weight loss is TWICE as hard. The trick is you need this nutrient in a specific ratio for maximum effect.
  • Physiology, Body Types of Women  One of the most important factors of your success is to identify your body type and acknowledge and accept who you are! Different body types store fat in different areas. And nothing in this premium member site will turn a large framed woman into a waify thin supermodel. Learn how accepting who you are can accelerate your success beyond your wildest expectations.
  • Real World Example: Simple 50 Pound Slim Down  How would you like to be 50 pounds lighter 12 months from now? 50 pounds comes out to about 3-4 pants sizes. Can you imagine how you would look 3-4 sizes smaller? You’d look like a whole new, younger person. It’s actually much easier than you think. Follow this same “no stress” strategy to losing weight without a major pinch on your lifestyle.
  • Instant Accountability Do you have a weight loss goal that you’re working toward? If you join our program you do! You can meet and mingle with other boot campers and swap stories, ideas, frustrations and tips. We have a special forum I want you to register for just start participating. PLUS… Post it on this special 3rd party website and get instant accountability and support.  Be specific with your post. Include the exact amount that you aim to lose and the date that you’ll lose it by. You may be surprised how encouraging and supportive thsees groups can be.
  • Tracking Macro Nutrients and Calories   If you follow the basic guidelines in this program, you don’t have to calorie count. However, some people need a bit more  This is a simple yet highly-effective tool helps track what you’re eating on a regular basis.  Sometimes we eat without thinking. Tracking what you eat forces you to recognize and reconcile your bad eating habits. This, along with the food assessment tool below will help you finally get a handle on your bad eating habits.
  • Assignment: Food Intake Assessment  This tool is used to “take a snapshot” so we know what your current eating habits look like. Print out a copy and fill it out as soon as possible. Please be totally honest with yourself. After you complete it, keep it somewhere where you will see it daily.
  • Self-Guided Kitchen Raid   Your kitchen can make or break your weight loss results. Let me repeat that. Your kitchen can make or break your weight loss results. A kitchen stocked with the makings for healthy meals and snacks will keep you on track, even when late-night cravings strike. On the flip side, a kitchen filled with unhealthy munchies can sabotage even the strongest of wills. Follow this exact PLAN to restock your kitchen for your weight loss success and for flavorful meals the entire family will love!
  • Making Time for Exercise, Wondering Why You Didn’t Start Sooner and Actually Enjoying It   We find it easy to make time in our schedules for work, personal and family matters but few of us think about scheduling time for the important things that directly and significantly impact our own lives! When you are trying to lose weight and improve your health, exercise is a priority. This is the first in a series of motivating articles for “busy types” and for those who don’t like to exercise.
  • Having Great Self Esteem and A Positive Body Image   The images of women we see in the media today do not really exist in the physical world. Even Kate Moss doesn’t look like her magazine cover in real life. Regardless of how slim she is naturally, her photos are airbrushed and to some degree, fake. If a super model doesn’t look like a media image, then how can we expect average women to ever feel beautiful.
  • 6 Dangerous Health Issues For Women Relating to Weight  Because we live in a society obsessed with looks, women sometimes want to lose weight in order to look better. What we often forget is that there are more important reasons to want to lose weight – there can be serious health implications of being overweight. In fact, obesity is regarded as a major medical condition.
  • Using This ONE Tool Can XX Multiply Your Results With Less Effort   Successful weight-loss is a journey. Losing weight and keeping it off means doing little things every day which will show results over time – not taking a magic pill and suddenly and miraculously shedding fat. Losing weight and keeping it off requires some attention to your diet and habits. It doesn’t have to ruin your life. In fact most people soon realize making some simple dietary changes was no big deal at all. Use this tool to instantly see the problem with your eating pattern that’s keeping you from losing the weight you want to lose.


  • Tasty & Delicious Recipe Library  You get your first installment of delicious, easy to prepare recipes to lose fat. Start burning calories right out of the gate with these selections from the Healthy Cuisine
  • Your First “At Home” Workout Will  Actually Make You Stronger and You’ll Feel Better About Your Body Immediately!  Go through your first video workout with the Belly Off Boot Camp girls. Once you get a couple of these specialized fat loss workouts under your belt, the light bulb goes off in your head and you think: “I’m actually getting stronger…I can do this!” Sure, you may have a little muscle soreness this week and next, but that’s natural and if you didn’t feel sore you would think things weren’t working. 🙂

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